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Bottoms Up! Working Men’s Pants

Men may prefer jeans or shorts, but they have to have great pants to wear to work everyday. Rather than wearing the same pair of khakis or black dress slacks every single day to work, gentlemen should consider each of four styles of pants listed below that will help you navigate your style; whether it be skinny, twisted or chino’s. These pants will get men through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday so that they can relax in their denim on Friday.


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The Classic Dress Slack

Dress slacks are great for guys to wear to the office, but men can over-wear these slacks if they are in them everyday. The current trend in men’s dress pant fir is “modern”, this means anything tailored, and slimmer than the 90’s parachute pant. These slacks could have pleating or not, depending on the fit and style, but most men avoid the pleating in order to keep the modern, tailored look. Its important to remember that a nice pant has one to two breaks in the pant. Slimmer is sleek.

The British Tan Khaki

British Tan is the standard color for casual slacks the world over. Most men who wear khakis to work are wearing khakis that are actually too light. A pair of pants that are British Tan are a little bit more orange, and they pair well with two-tone oxfords or cordovan loafers. Steer clear of too dark or too light on the pants, aged is not the look guys should wear. These pants also work perfectly with a navy sport jacket or a patterned shirt rather than a solid color.

The Modern Wool Pant

Most suits today are made of light fabric, and wool pants are the signature of the fall and winter look. The man who is wearing sweaters with their dress shirts will look amazing in wool pants, a sweater and a warm suede shoe. These pants work well in the winter and fall to ensure that men are freezing to death when they go to work. Plus, this is a departure from their traditional style that will garner compliments.

The Chino Pant

Chino pants are typically considered business- casual pants, but the man who works in a more casual environment can also rock these universally sexy pant. They are fashion forward with several different fits; classic, slim fit, and tailored slim fit. However, chino pants must be fitted properly, too big looks like he is wearing a diaper and too tight makes for an uncomfortable day at the office. The pants will work well with a pullover or button-down in the right situation.

The most important factor in finding the perfect pant is the fit. Anyone can purchase a pair of pants and wear them, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will look nice and professional. When in doubt, ask an employee or call customer service to help him select the perfect style, color, and fit.

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