Image Courtesy: Winter is here and there is no other thought other than how to dress up this season and still look trendy and stylish. Here is a list of items, which are hot in trend right now and if you are a fashion geek, do not miss these things from your check…
Latest Trends
Five Great Style Hacks for Fashionable Men
Five Great Style Hacks for Fashionable Men There is one aspect of life that nearly all people everywhere, men and women alike, struggle with: style. Everyone likes to look good, but sometimes fashion can be a little too demanding to maintain every day. Fortunately, there are a few simple, stylish “hacks” men can use to…
Sling Bags For Women & Men – The Added Advantage Over Bag Packs
The Rising Trend: Does Your Geek Glass Match Your Face?
Image Courtesy: The reason, why you spend hours in the shop or at home surfing the net, looking for the perfect pair of frames is that eyeglasses say a lot about you. So, you take time putting on and finding out which frame will go with your personality. Quite recently, while having a small…
Re-View With The New White Kajal
Image Courtesy: Kajals have always been an integral part among women. Whether it is going out for parties or getting ready for work, a kajal almost seems like a woman’s daily next best friend apart from diamond of course. We have always associated kajal with the colour black. Black kajals had been ruling the…
You Are Never Fully Dressed If You Don’t Wear A Smile
Why You Are Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile So? Wear a smile ! When most people get ready for the day they forget their most important accessory. A smile can turn your ensemble into a power house fashion statement. Whether it’s that plum job interview or dinner with a new date, a well-put-together outfit…
Are You a Fashionista? Turn Your Passion into Business Success
Are you a fashionista? If so, you probably spend a lot of time and money focusing on your area of interest. However, did you know that you can actually turn your passion into business success? Try these fashionista ideas to get started today. Sell Your Designs If you love fashion so much that you tend…
Understanding Teenagers: Their 5 Favorite Fashion Trends
Understanding Teenagers And Their Fashion Choices For parents who have teenage children, it can be difficult to understand the different trends and styles that they are interested in. As each teen develops and tries to discover who they are, it can be difficult to understand why they enjoy particular fashion trends and looks. Although understanding…
5 Great Summer Fashion 2014 for Men
Summer is Just Around the Corner: 5 Great Summer Fashion 2014 for Men With summer just a few months away, bermuda shorts and muscle tees are slowly appearing in retail stores for new styles that celebrate the coming season. For men, it means slowly evolving their style to show more skin and stay comfortable in…
Hot Hairstyles for Summer 2014
The runways have ruled out the hottest hairstyles for Summer 2014. Stylizing and drawing out a bold and constructed look, with a careless essence, and the result is totally classy. While a little hair product will go a long way, work your way up with neutral, messy, matte or high shine, polished hair dos. With…