As all makeup enthusiasts are aware, the foundation is one of the key elements of any makeup kit. As the name suggests, a good foundation sets the base for your makeup regime, allowing you to build an attractive and outstanding look on top of a solid base. Just like a strong building needs a solid…
Makeup Tips
Wellness Masterclass Series : Look Good, Feel Good
Wellness Masterclass Series : Look Good, Feel Good Medical research continues to robustly establish vigorous physical exercise as a major influence on overall health and well-being, in addition helping in the treatment of many diseases including depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and arthritis. A recent study found that regular, intense exercise beneficially influenced the action of 400 genes…
Clean Classy Office Makeup Tutorial – Dominique Sachse
Clean Classy Office Makeup Tutorial – Dominique Sachse All women deserve to be appreciated, respected, and admired. When a woman improves her appearance amazing things begin to happen in her life! People begin to pay attention to her, listen to her, seek her company, ask her opinion. She becomes more confident, and this makes her look even better!…
Eye Makeup – How to draw The Perfect Winged Eyeliner!
Eye Makeup – Draw The Perfect Winged Eyeliner – Everytime! Most highly requested tutorial! This tutorial will show you an extremely simple way of creating that perfect cat eye flick every time! There are probably hundreds of winged eyeliner tutorials on YouTube but this tutorial is easier to follow. Eventually once you get some practice in,…
Summer Bronze Glow Makeup – Step Wise Video Tutorial
7 Beauty Tricks To Make You Look Pretty Every Day
Dress Up For Halloween With Some of These Creative Ideas
Image Courtesy: 31st October was the night, when everyone got ready to take out their scary costumes, deck their houses with themed props and go around, ringing doorbells for trick- or-treat. Dressing yourself up for Halloween has always been a priority. During this time, stores come up with incredible costumes, some of which are…
Five Great Style Hacks for Fashionable Men
Five Great Style Hacks for Fashionable Men There is one aspect of life that nearly all people everywhere, men and women alike, struggle with: style. Everyone likes to look good, but sometimes fashion can be a little too demanding to maintain every day. Fortunately, there are a few simple, stylish “hacks” men can use to…
Benefits to Wearing Hair Extensions
Want Longer Hair? Benefits to Wearing Hair Extensions Maybe you’re regretting your short haircut, or maybe you’re just bored of your current look. There’s no reason to settle for a hair style you don’t like! Hair extensions can be an easy way to drastically change your appearance, allowing you to look exactly how you want…
Ways To Make Your Hair Extensions Last Longer
5 Simple Ways To Make Your Hair Extensions Last Longer Extensions are a great way to get long hair quickly, but maintenance can be intimidating. No one wants messy or unmanageable hair. Below are some simple pointers for maintaining tip-top tresses with hair extensions! Start with a quality base Synthetic hair may seem like a…