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Five Tricks for Cutting down Your Morning Beauty Routine

Mornings are normally hectic enough while trying to get you and everyone else out the door on time. Maybe there’s only you and you just can’t find things in the morning. How would you find the time to beautify properly with all that hoopla? Before you do something drastic like do your makeup while driving, here are 5 tricks for cutting down your morning beauty routine.

1. Organize your makeup at night.

Set aside the items that you use daily so you won’t have to dig through purses and pouches to find your makeup. Keep those items together so that if time gets too tight, you can grab it and apply it later (again…not while driving!). Skip cleansing in the morning every now and then. As long as you haven’t sweated a lot at night, just use a facial spray to refresh.

Five Tricks for Cutting Down Your Morning Beauty Routine

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2. Shampoo and blow-dry your hair at night.

Make preparations the night before to reduce the stress of the morning. Especially during the cold weather and in the cool of the morning, you don’t want to go out with wet hair. Style your hair with pin-curls or braids for a simple finger-comb in the morning. However, it isn’t necessary to do this every day. Give your bangs a rinse in the sink if they look greasy. Use dry shampoo to absorb any excess oil. Some nights you can just refresh your hair with a bit of dry shampoo to give your hair a fresh scent and add volume.

3. Use less toothpaste.

Save even more time when brushing your teeth by using only a small squeeze of toothpaste on your brush. Believe or not, it gets the job done by eliminating over-sudsing and the urge to stop and spit. Experts such as those at want to make sure you just remember not to skip this step altogether and don’t cut down on actual brushing time.

4. Be wise with your time.

Make skincare easy and accentuate the positives with a tinted SPF moisturizer. This works year-round and cuts down the bathroom counter clutter. Another trick is to combine your foundation, moisturizer and sunscreen to receive the benefits of all three at once! It also gives you time to choose the perfect outfit and shoes, and grab a little breakfast. Blow-drying your face on the cool setting saves time in waiting for makeup to set. Keep facial wipes handy for skin refreshment.

5. Allow your beauty products to serve double purposes.

For instance, use your lip products as a blush or your eyeliner for a shadow or brow corrector. Concealer could also be used as a primer. Remember not to over-do it. Keep it simple.

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